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Stoneage (s.r.l) is considered one of the most dynamic European companies operating in the field of Paleontology and in general of the Earth Sciences. It represents the realization of a project that has been carrying on for over 25 years, thanks to the enthusiasm and professionalism of a group of geologists and technicians from Trieste. The Company’s main activity consists in providing professionally-preparated fossil specimens , their perfect replicas and tridimensional  models  to museums, researchers and private collectors. Specimens, casts and models are complete with all the necessary scientific informations, illustrating the long route it takes from the dig to the display in the outstanding halls of the museums all over the world. The Company is very proud about its Paleontological Laboratory,which is open to the public inside the Natural History Museum of Triest. It can be used by the public for didactic purposes and it represents a unique example in Europe of cooperation between public and private institutions. Here visitors and particularly students can enter the fascinating world of Paleontology. Technical updating is constantly being carried out in the Laboratory to verify new materials and develope new technologies. The experience and professionalism acquired are at the full disposal of collectors, professional people and scholars, who costantly visit the Laboratory to learn and improve their knowledge on this matter. Stoneage cooperates with the Italian Ministery of Culture , for example , being entrusted with  both the excavation of the unique Italian dinosaurs locality, close to the Villaggio del Pescatore in the surroundings of Trieste and with the difficult chemical preparation of the findings, The Company promotes the development of Paleontology through a system of funding and grants that aim to improve particular scientific themes.In the last years important prospecting and research on fossil vertebrates and invertebrates have been possible thanks to the contribution of the Stoneage. Stoneage periodically arouses the national interest about Paleontology and Paleoantropology with didactic Exhibitions, where important specimens are displayed toghether with a  careful didactic support, based on the last multimedial communication technics.




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